Cazador-del-sol products sold within the European Union (EU) and Northern Ireland will be charged a different sales tax depending on the country of destination.
Sales tax must be charged on the products that are offered on our website and are shipped to destinations within the European Union (EU) and Northern Ireland. This is based on the laws applicable within the EU and tax rates that vary within the member states. The amount of sales tax to be charged depends on various factors, such as the identity of the seller and the destination to which the product is to be shipped.
The prices on our website are shown in euros including German sales tax (19%). Please note that the final price depends on the country of delivery: For orders from other EU countries, the German sales tax of 19% is deducted and the sales tax valid for the country of destination is calculated on the net price. You can see the final price including the sales tax rates valid for the ordered products after entering the country of destination on the last page of the order.
If you would like to use your sales tax identification number for your purchase at Cazador-del-sol, please contact us.