June 29, 2013
At the gardenevent „Garten+Kunst - One more day in paradise” Stefan Heptner, lichtblick21 presented together with Cazador-del-sol® the first red installation. At bella bayer one of the most beautiful showgardens in Europe, the first red sunfield was shown from June 29th until July 21rst
The first red sunfield in Austria
"… it seems that the red Cazador feels very comfortable in this paradise …"
At the gardenevent „Garten+Kunst - One more day in paradise” Stefan Heptner, lichtblick21 presented together with Cazador-del-sol® the first red installation. At bella bayer, one of the most beautiful showgardens in Europe, the first red sunfield was shown from June 29th until July 21rst.
Stefan Heptner, lichtblick21
bella bayer | Das Gartenatelier
Copyrights: Stefan Heptner, lichtblick21